Sunday, February 17, 2008

Satisfy me

When I get really lonely
and the distance causes our silence
I think of you smiling
with pride in your eyes,
... a lover that sighs


Hossein Jelveh said...

"A lover that sighs"! Hm! Hm?

Anonymous said...

What's interesting about your weblog is that whenever i happen to see a new post in here, i have to THINK about the relation between the title, picture and the words!! It seems that everything beyond only music is hidden here;)
Either easily understood or challenging, it's really impressive.!!

K Parvaneh said...

That's why I also like this blog!!More often than not, I happen to put a photo for a specific post that means a lot to me, but may look quite irrelevent to the others. And that's quite normal I think.
So if you found yourself thinking, that's OK! It's blog's fault! :)

Anonymous said...

No they are not irrelevent, each person may understand something from them particular to his/her own situation, thought and attitude toward the topic..> these posts may mean alot to most people but in different ways.
The point is that YOU trigger their mind by your blog and it's interesting.